Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Quick Learner

Dahdoo has successfully taught her not-quite-10-month-old brother how to climb the stairs. All of them. All the way up to the second story of our house. As of yesterday, he could only do two steps by himself, but while I was loading the dishwasher today he got all the way up, and I found he and Dahdoo playing with Weebles in her room.

These are so not my genes at work. I blame it all on the very strong B family genes racing through his veins. He is very much his father's son, and his uncle's nephew. And I know they would both be so proud. Well, I know for sure B is, as I just called him, and assume K would be too. ;)

If you need me, I'll be curled up in the corner in a fetal position, rocking and possibly sucking my thumb. Am screwed. Send reinforcements.


MC Lyle Hollis said...

Not your genes? You?? The one who let yourself out of the dead-bolted door when you were only 2 1/2 'cause you WANTED TO GO FOR A WALK! and I told you we couldn't go until your brother woke up.

Not your genes, my derriere!

Love you,

Unknown said...

Ah, yes, good point. But that was 2 1/2. I was tricksy, but it took longer for that to kick in, see? ;)